Featured in this issue:
RADICAL MODERNS, Photo feature and personality profiles of two outstanding young
women who follow a "Radical Modern" lifestyle with freeform tattoos, hoods,
furs, jewelry and dress. Meet Lilly Burana and Sid Ziara who defy convention
with their unusual ideas for body decor.
LABRETS FOR LOWER LIP BEAUTY, Informative feature on the traditional practice of piercing the lower lip and wearing studs or tusks (Africa and South American), and it's contemporary counterpart in today's piercing culture. Photos and stories on styles of labrets and placements showing several moderns and modern primitives, including outrageous African Vama Vajra.
SECOND ANNIVERSARY "MORE" FEATURE, This photo features shows more of what are readers liked best in the first two years of BODY PLAY's publication. Includes photos of breast pumping and extreme enlargement, training of contortionist Ula to a tighter back bend, phtos of three-inch long toenails and fingernails, Sharon's 18" corsetted waist and Monsieur Polaire's extreme male corsetting.
NOMAD: Photo feature on a unique piercing studio in San Francisco; a
rainforest, a museum and a haven for modern primtives. Shows decorated body
piercers Kristian White and Blake.