Issue is #18

USA $20

Overseas $25


Featured in this issue:

PAN'S SUN DANCE, Amazing story of a 28 year-old Modern Primitive mystic in Abilene, Texas who had a vision to do a traditional Nelly's Waist - A Work of Art Sun Sance in the style of the Ogalala Sioux - and did it! Includes Pan's own account of his experience and the accounts of several eye witnesses. Many excellent photos of slits being cut in Pan's chest and his suspension.

NELLY'S WAIST, A WORK OF ART, Photo feature on a 23 year-old Mexican-American woman who reduced her waist from 26" to 18" with corsets and belts. Excellent unretouched photos by Jack Groves documents her body sculpting from 1997 to late 1998, including photos that show the radical changes in Nelly's uncorseted body.


MASKON, Photo feature about a unique convention of people who transform their identities and bodies with latex hoods and second skins. Includes photos of outrageous fantasy characters that look like they just stepped out of an animated cartoon. Fakir joins the masquerade on Halloween as "KiKi in Gold".

Contorts of the PastCONTORTS OF THE PAST, Photo documentation about an era when young girls were forcibly bent and twisted to become circus and stage performers. Includes photos of Imogene Winchester and English pupils of Reginald Seanors in the 1940's.

Fakir in Paris

FAKIR IN PARIS, Report on Fakir's December 1998 trip to Paris to perform at the Elysee Montmarte and introduce his new documentary film produced by CANAL+ for its short film series "La Nuit du Cyclone".